Layens Frame Rack

    Hives include all frames, fully assembled & ready to go

This simple frame rack is BIG help in organizing your Layens frames for honey extraction, storage, or transportation. Its stackable design minimizes required floor space — transform your kitchen and living room into a honey house without mess or marital conflict! After extraction, store 100 Layens frames in an area of only four square feet, or 300 frames on a standard pallet.

Part list

  • Plywood panels, untreated, 3/4” thick, 14-11/16” x 16-1/2” (2).
  • Softwood boards, untreated, 35-7/8” x 3-1/2” x 3/4” (4). This is one standard 1” x 4” x 12’ board cut in four pieces.
  • 1-5/8” wood screws (16).

Step 1. Position the two plywood panels upright (with the narrow side on the floor). Clamp two boards between the plywood, 1/2” lower than the top of the plywood. Pre-drill and assemble on two screws per corner.

Step 2. Clamp two remaining boards between the plywood panels, flush with the bottom. Pre-drill and assemble on two screws per corner. Done!

Note: If you don’t have the fancy right-angle clamps, just ask a family member to give you a hand and hold the pieces square during assembly.

This rack can hold 20 to 22 frames. You can make it shorter or longer to fit your needs. You can also add handles if necessary. Note that this rack is not intended for carrying frames full of honey (it would be close to 200 lb); but one person can comfortably handle a load of extracted frames. We freeze extracted frames (outside, during cold nights) prior to storing to prevent wax moth / small hive beetle damage.

    Hives include all frames, fully assembled & ready to go

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Dr. Leo Sharashkin, Editor of “Keeping Bees With a Smile”

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